Club Rules and Constitution
Club Name
Club shall be known as Die Deutschen Klassiker to be abbreviated
to DDK and hereafter referred to as DDK
To promote and encourage interest in Classic Porsche and
the Marque.
To provide facilities for members to purchase parts and
relevant products/services at discounts locally and nationally.
- To encourage contact with other Porsche Clubs and Classic
Car Clubs.
- To stimulate public interest in DDK
Memebership and Subscription
shall be open to all individuals on payment of an annual
fee, subject to approval by the Committee. The annual renewal
date will fall one calendar year after initial membership
is approved and then once a year thereafter. Membership
fees will be reviewed at the A.G.M. The Committee can decide
to increase or reduce the fees at its discretion. The Committee
has the right to accept or refuse any application for membership
or renewal.
Annual General Meeting shall be held annually in April,
timed to allow the Treasurer to complete as much as possible
of the Accounts prior to the AGM (see 5 Financial Year,
below). It will be open to any member who has written to
confirm that he/she wishes to attend. Otherwise matters
arising from members will be dealt with by discussion of
questions and comments which are submitted by phone, email
or written and received by March 31st.
General Meetings or other meetings shall be held as decided
by Officers of the Committee or at the request of Members,
subject to not less than 28 days notice, or in an emergency
(as recognised by the Officers) not less than 7 days notice.
The Officers of the Committee shall meet as required for
them to carry out their duties, and subject to their complying
with the required Quorum.
Financial Year
Financial Year of DDK shall end on the 31st March of each
year in order that the Treasurer may provide a Statement
of Accounts for presentation and approval at the A.G.M.
shall hold elections to appoint Officers of DDK every two
years. Chairman and Membership Secretary will not have to
stand for re election and will only leave upon resignation.
In principle the positions are as follows but additional
Officer posts can be added at the discretion of the Officers.
Chairman; Membership Secretary; Treasurer; Events Co-ordinator;
Magazine Editor; Public Relations Officer.. Officers can
be re-elected annually and there shall be no limit to the
number of years they shall hold office. In the event of
an Officer resigning, such resignation should presented
in writing to the Committee preferably via the Chairman.
An applicant for a Committee post should initially make
contact with the Chairman, who would have a first 'interview'
with him/her. Unless there was some problem following the
'interview the Chairman will circulate the Committee by
email with available information on the applicant and his
(the Chairman's) opinion/recommendation, seeking the Committee's
to be considered by the Committee must be submitted in writing
to the Secretary not less than 28 days before the date of
the meeting at which they are to be considered or, for a
resolution to be considered at an emergency meeting, submitted
not less than 7 days before such a meeting. In the Area
Secretaries) are to attend Committee Meetings and one third
of all members at Special Meetings.
It is
a requirement of the Club to have sufficient funds for the
Club to be able to make purchases, pay fees, and to encourage
the development and growth of DDK. Recording shall be the
task of the Treasurer. All the Club expenditure shall be
agreed by the Committee before payment, with the exception
of postal costs, which are to be borne out of a cash float.
All purchases/expenses must be supported and a written/printed
receipt must be produced to the Treasurer in return for
otherwise arranged and notified, the DDK and its representatives
cannot be held responsible for any damage, loss or injury
incurred by a member attending or competing in any event
organised by the DDK. Members competing in Club events must
sign a standard form of indemnity excluding DDK and its
Officers from all blame. Such a form is usually available
from the event organisers, or their own insurers. The Rules
are subject to review at any time, and are applied at the
discretion of the Committee.
Sponsoring and Advertising
shall be the aim of the Club to encourage sponsorship of
DDK and its events by local and national organisations.
Such sponsorship should be approved by the Committee before
acceptance. The Committee must approve advertising any events
of the DDK on all occasions. The name "DDK - Die Deutschen
Klassiker" shall be the property of the members of the Club,
and can only be used with the permission of the representatives
of the Club, i.e.: the Committee.
Club Magazine, Forum and Other Publications
official magazine of the DDK is currently untitled. The
forum is located at www.ddk-online.com. The content of any
written matter supplied or published by the DDK may not
necessarily represent the views of the writer, the Editor,
the Committee or the majority of members of the DDK. All
official letters from the DDK must be written on the official
headed paper.
Exclusion of Individuals from The Club
member who brings the Club into disrepute, or contravenes
the rules of the DDK, shall bear the possibility of exclusion
from DDK without refund of membership or return of fees.
Any members subject to exclusion shall have the right to
appeal to the Committee, and exclusion is at the discretion
of the Committee.
Matters Not Provided For
Committee, at its discretion, shall deal with any matters
not provided for in the Constitution. Constitution agreed
by Committee 02/01/04