PRS website

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roy mawbey
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PRS website

Post by roy mawbey »

I had not looked on the PRS website for a while but today snow around and spending time on the PC thought I would. Well there must have a lot of work done in the past year as I really was amazed at the effort put in to improve it, a really good job and congratulations to those who did it.

I looked through all the sections and on the parts section each item is well described and a good photo shown with the price. This together with the other sections makes it an interesting read thoughout.

Well done indeed!

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Mike Smith
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Re: PRS website

Post by Mike Smith »

Roy - many thanks for your positive comments

We really are trying hard and what you see is a website which Paul and Mat put together over a couple of afternoons with a laptop in the pub – That was 2 x years ago (I think)

Last week John Hearn asked me a question about it and gave me a few tips on problems that he has experienced with the site.

I wrote a little screed for him and I can do no better than repeat it here.


The major job that we still have to complete, is to refine the Search facility
To make that work – you have to enter every combination of word that a person, searching for a part may use i.e. Mudguard – Fender etc.
Miss-spelling also needs to be considered and the combinations of words
The best advice is to keep it simple – sometimes one word is enough

The other major item is, that after you think you have found the part you want and clicked onto it the site is deigned to open up a copy of the Werks Parts Page showing that part, which you seek, and suggesting the other parts that you may need with it. That has still to be added to each part - a huge Job

Example - Open the site
1. Parts
2. `B` Section
3. Engine
4. Crankcase section
5. Click on Case Stud (it will open up a larger view and below the larger view there will also be greyed out Exploded Parts Drawing.
Opening this, will show The Stud you wish to buy – Hi-lited and it should also show Sensible Suggestions linked to that stud.
Currently it does not; it is just a stupid mixture that needs correcting

Of course correcting all this means that you have to understand 356`s (i.e. you cannot give it to a clerk) and it all has to be carried out in the website background programme, which is another skill in itself

Just another tip on the PRS Website (should you ever wish to buy anything)

Find the Item that you want and Click on it, so that it shows you the enlarge picture of that part. In this enlarged picture is the Porsche Part No. – BUT more important is the other small number you will see at the bottom of the screed about the item i.e. – say 26A5

This is the Location of the item in our stores, so if you quote this at any of us we can find it easily and we will also know exactly what part it is that you seek
It also works in the Search engine and this number is quoted to us when you place an order on-line


I would urge any potential customer to order on-line.
Trust me it really does work and orders (usually) go out the same day as they are received

We are not Amazon yet, but we are getting there
Mike at P.R.S.
roy mawbey
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Re: PRS website

Post by roy mawbey »

Thanks Mike I will remember those points. Again not easy to do all this so well done.

RHD 356A coupe super 75 106954
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