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[b]URGENT ACTION REQD B/F 5thNov[/b]- MSA road rally changes

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2010 9:59 am
by amallagh
See below a copy of an email I've received from the Historic Rally Car Register. This potential action by the MSA is very concerning. I would urge any of you that have an interest in keeping this accessible branch of Motorsport open to us all with our classic cars then PLEASE RESPOND.
Please pass on to anyone else who might be prepared to help.

SUBJECT: HRCR: Urgent action required before 5 Nov
The Future of Historic Road Rally Regularity Sections

We urgently request all HRCR members with an interest in preserving historic road rallying review the MSA proposed regulation changes and submit their comments to the MSA Rallies Committee via email address before the 5th November deadline.

The MSA Rallies Committee has proposed changes to the regulations relating to Regularity Sections from January 2012. These have been put out for consultation via the MSA website. As proposed, these affect the running of regularity sections both on and off the public highway. Your Road Rally Sub Committee does not believe these make sense and requests you respond to the MSA. These restrictions, if introduced, would stop public road regularities and seriously affect many UK events that regularly run regularity sections off the public highway, not least LeJog, Tour Britannia and Rally of the Tests, as well a number of events in our HRCR Clubmans Rally Championship.

The proposed regulation changes can be viewed at ... st2010.pdf

We believe that these proposals are probably designed to prevent the misuse and abuse of regularity section regulations by modern rallies, but they would have an enormous, and probably unintended, impact on historic events. Please comment on the private road aspects as well as the blanket ban of regularity sections on Road Rallies which the Blue Book would also apply to Historic Road Rallies.

The consultation period ends on 5th November 2010.

Your club is asking you to take action to try and protect our sport. Do not rely on others to voice opinion. The number of people who make comments will we believe have a direct correlation with the outcome.

Your voice will really count! Please respond.

Comments need to be submitted via email to

Thank you

HRCR Road Rallies Sub Committee