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Dreaming of a Swap Meet

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2018 6:06 pm
by Ignatzcatz
I'm trying to get a few parts together to start on a minor project and, honestly, it's a real pain. Things that you might find on fleebay are stupid money, nobody ever replies to you on Craigslist and there's bugger all on any of the others. What we need is a national swap meet. The old Husborne Crawley one was brill in it's day. I'm a member of the National Street Rod Association and they have two big swap meets each year, one down south in Essex and the other oop north near, well up north. I've got some old crap kicking around and I'm sure everybody else has so why don't we, as DDK organise a big swap meet. Very low cost to privateers and a tad more to the trade, all we need is a field and maybe hire a stinky, we can go for all the catering stuff once it gets rolling. Obviously I would like it near to the M25 but somewhere like Bicester could be a good location.
So any of you wealthy landowners out there got a field we could use???

Re: Dreaming of a Swap Meet

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2018 6:39 pm
by 210bhp
I vote for it too but like everything else (for me) its all too far away to do in a day. An overnight stop wipes out any advantage to make it worthwhile. If we could do something more central or even a north and south event it might attract more sellers/buyers.
What parts do you need?


Re: Dreaming of a Swap Meet

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2018 8:00 pm
by Timo
This is a great idea and much needed in my opinion.

I used to love going to car shows and trawling swap meets for the bits you need but most seem to have tailed off a bit these days with so much trade taking place on the internet, as mentioned far too much silly pricing on eBay etc these days, everyone thinks their oily tat is worth a kings ransom but it's the same stuff on there week after week.

Midlands would be ideal for me.

Re: Dreaming of a Swap Meet

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2018 8:34 pm
by takeflight
I have a 3 acre enclosed gated meadow, no facility’s and no good this time of year, no hard standing just grass. Can camp on overnight, between Stratford-upon-Avon and Junction 15 m40.

Maybe it would be best at least for the first time just keep it to Ddk, their is a local couple who arrange Sunday am meets who have gone on an invite only basis, attracted boy racers causing problems at the venues. As the meadow is located down a lane, just outside a small village this would not go down to well with the natives, and having no planning permission for such may cause me hassles that I can do without.
A meet and greet with an opportunity to flog a few bits and the Cotswolds down the road, gaydon only a few miles away would be a bit of fun and Stratford does a motoring festival.

If anyone wonts to organise it I can make the meadow available and get the old flymo out to cut the grass.

Re: Dreaming of a Swap Meet

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2018 7:15 am
by redrobin911
I must have 1000's of parts - that I will sell once current projects are over, but being in NI need to have one up the country to encourage the N. Irish, Irish and Scots amongst us as need a low cost ferry to make it worth our while. Belfast - Birkenhead in a van is £800....!!! But what a great idea yes must have two per year one north & one south. I wouldn't restrict it to DDK I would invlove all the the Porsche clubs but focus the event on air cooled parts - the more folk, the bigger the better.

Re: Dreaming of a Swap Meet

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2018 7:27 am
by 911hillclimber
The Husborne Crawley event was wonderful, had a stand with FCD a few times, and became a social meet as much as anything.
What became of 'big Alan'?

I'm sure the BS meeting this year would be a good 'south' location, wonder about his brother's site for the north, south Lake District?

What about the old Husborne Crawley site again? Pub did well from it I suspect!

I too would open this to as many Porsche arenas as possible, more people the better, more stands the better, more a car boot sale style as trade areas?

Re: Dreaming of a Swap Meet

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2018 8:57 am
by Ignatzcatz
Gosh, looks like a yes then, and Roy's field sounds ideal. May I suggest we have a talk about the finer points at Mr. Bardsley's December dinner.
Regarding above comments, I realise the internet has halted much person to person dealing but in the States at just about every car meet and event there is always a swap meet. I have been to the Spring meet at Hershey in Pennsylvania and it's not only a swap meet but a great social event plus an impromptu car show and just a durn good day out. Also I think a Scottish based meet would be fantastic if only for the drive up there, you dream of those open twisty roads and I can get to wear my kilt too, although the less said about that the better.
One thing does puzzle me and that is why did the Husbourne Crawley swap meet finish? Was is change of ownership of property or complaints from locals perhaps.

Re: Dreaming of a Swap Meet

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2018 9:32 am
by Hendrik Moulds
Am always up for a swap meet, although they are always a long drive away!
Wouldn't it be worth looking at asking the organisers of the Hedingham Castle meet if they would expand to accommodate this?

Re: Dreaming of a Swap Meet

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2018 10:30 am
by 911hillclimber
Ref, demise of the Crawley meet.
I think Big Alan went abroad to work/live, hence my question if anyone knows.
Alan started it I think and it grew really well, but that was the early 90's and before ebay etc.

It will take time to get traction, but the HC day was really good, the bacon butties really good too!

Scottish swap-meet? Best be at 210 Mike's place as he has all the gold. :wink: :wink:

A Scottish day would be a nice DDK excuse for a trip for the South/Midlands?

I go to several car shows in the UK, and the autojumble side is always a big part of the day for me.
Restoration show a few weeks ago was really good.

I used to be member # 12 of the NSRA in the early 70's! 8)

Re: Dreaming of a Swap Meet

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2018 11:22 am
by neilbardsley
[quote="Best be at 210 Mike's place [/quote]

For a second I thought you meant Mike Smith (aka PRS)! As a 356 owner if given 5 mins to supermarket sweep someone barns that would be the place.

PS wasn't there a swap meet at Mr Bainbridge's place this year?

Re: Dreaming of a Swap Meet

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2018 1:41 pm
by 911hillclimber
Yes, a one off I think.

Re: Dreaming of a Swap Meet

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2018 2:09 pm
by willbrown
@Ignatzcatz. Very good shout. I think a DDK only event would get plenty of interest. I couldn't agree more re eBay - it's universally over-priced and when you put the word Porsche on anything the prices are just stupid. I know some people like Andy (lightweight911) have ways of unearthing parts at realistic prices, but few us have the same networks or the dark arts :) I would defo support it and make a day / weekend of it as I'm sure the social aspect will be the best bit anyway. A generous offer from Roy which we should take up. I'd be happy to help out in any way which might be useful.

And whilst we're here, anyone got a good left hand front wing for a '72 911?

Re: Dreaming of a Swap Meet

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2018 2:25 pm
by Bootsy
We should progress this thinking and organise something for next year

I've always enjoyed a good swapping meet up

Re: Dreaming of a Swap Meet

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2018 2:33 pm
by majordad
I’m going to the Porsche only Strahle Swap Meet in Felbach neat Stuttgart this Saturday. Been three times and it’s big and great and in a school hall.

Anyone else going?

Re: Dreaming of a Swap Meet

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2018 2:49 pm
by takeflight
This place as just opened up, haven't been there yet, but meet the owners and I think they would take a swop meet for all Porsche clubs etc on board, he as a burnt orange 912 himself.

The meadow then could be used for our own private get together, or as I said its secure and if anyone fancies camping more than welcome.

cheers Roy