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Classics on the Common Harpenden

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2004 11:43 am
by theorangeperil
Last night was my first trip to this event, and I just wanted to recommend it to everyone. Tonnes of classics of all sorts, plus bikes and scooters. Apparently last year there were 1800 cars on the common!
Highlight was about 100 scooters in convoy past the pub. Favourite car was a LHD 72/3 911T 2.4 in a beigey silver with a red interior and shiney steering wheel - a ddk member?
The idea seems to be to arrive at about 4.00 with a disposable BBQ, park the car and enjoy...
Maybe a DDK display next year?

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2004 1:45 pm
by tanick
A nice evening. I didn't get there until about 8pm and people were starting to leave. Got caught up in the middle of the mopeds - the police weren't happy with them. Only saw a few Porsches, I think we were out-numbered by De Loreans! I'll post some pics if I can work it out.

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2004 1:45 pm
by Gary71
Went down to this as well, superb event.

I was there with my silver '72 2.4T and my friend in his silver '75 2.7S. He has the red interior and shiny Momo wheel but his car is a bit young for your description!!

Only other early 911 I spotted was a black '72/3 targa, so many cars there though it would be easy to miss one, although we did walk the rows several times!

Had an early start this morning to get back to Crewe for 8 from Ware. So currently am fighting sleep!


Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2004 1:48 pm
by tanick
Gary. Saw your car. Nice. Does it have a black engine grill? Mine's silver. Is that off a '73?

I went back to have another look and you'd gone. Shame not to meet.

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2004 4:20 pm
by Gary71
The grille was originally silver, but it was clearly a black one that had been brush painted at some point. So I just sanded it all off and sprayed it up satin black.

I assumed that black was original? I haven't got a spotters guide book so may be wrong! I not painting it again though, it took long enough to sand the first time :wink:

We cleared off a bit early to avoid the crush! We'd been there since 4:00pm so we had pretty much covered everything, clearly missed your car though!

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2004 5:00 pm
by tanick
I couldn't get onto the green so was in the spectator's car park along with a nice 72 californian 2.4T. It was a very interesting colour, but I don't think it's come out very well on the photo I took. Like a slightly gold silver. Reg number was a few digits out from the one on the cover of 911 & Porsche World this month so I did a bit of a double take. I'll post pics later.

I really don't know about the grill. I'm not a train spotter for originality either. Mine's chrome as are the horn grilles but on 73's the engine and horn grilles are both black? I'm sure someone knows.

When you said you'd be going in your friends 911 I didn't think your car would be there. Had it down as the black '75 by the cricket pitch.

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2004 7:41 pm
by Gary71
Definitely need a DDK gathering next year. There was nearly a PCGB one but with the 'cheap tat shocker' story running at present I couldn't bring myself to join in!!!

Some more photos that will appeal to the average DDK'er

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2004 11:40 pm
by tanick
Some photo's as promised
The last one was a kind of bronze that I've never seen before.

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2004 9:41 am
by Gary71
Clearly i'll have to take a wander round the spectators car park next year as well :)

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2004 11:05 am
by theorangeperil
The bronze car got my vote. The blood orange car was mine. We got on the common after some persistance!