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Non Porsche - Wooden Garage - Advice needed

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2008 8:29 am
by Disco
Hello All,

I appreciate that this isn't actually to do with Porsche, but the ultimate aim is for me to build it so I can put one in.

I'm after a cheap wooden garage 12x18(ish) with an up and over door - and require someone to do the ground work also - I've got a name of a chap through friends who actually makes the garages in his workshop does all the work and is cheap and is good quality ( sounds perfect )- but its a bit of a struggle trying to convince him down the M26.

I'm in Surrey and its a bit of a schlep for him from Dover

So, if any of you guys have had any experience in relation to this topic then please let me know. - if this is the wrong message board for this then I apologise in advance.


Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2008 12:46 am
by jamie
Hi Joe,

You'd be better off asking this in the General section. I think most people don't look here that much...

Hope you are well.

Oh yeah...




Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2008 10:31 am
by 912uk
build your own there are plans on the internet for wooden garages or just make one up as I have done in the past. If not why not ask you guy to make it and you hire a 7.5ton lorry for the day £100 and go and collect it.. then get some mates togeather and build it..

I like wooden garages they remind me of the old days of MG's sheds. We are a nation of Shed builders.. my US mates don't get it.. :lol: but then they have lots of land
I am looking to move the 912uk house hold to a larger place as we now have prices at a more resonable level and in the country more than I am now I will be able to build a small farm building so I can buy a car ramp which will be great news..


if you are not restricted on site then why not look at these metal farm buildings they are good. A nice concreat base and roller doors.

Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2008 8:18 pm
by Disco
thanks for the reply. I've managed to convince the garage builder that after buying him a few pints of beer the distance isnt actually that far and provided he doesnt travel during rush hour all will be good.

now got to convince the base layer that 2.5k is really rather a lot of money for what is essentially a 4inch thick 10x17 base... at that money it would be cheaper for me to take a week off an do it myself....

thanks again for the reply.


Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2008 9:30 pm
by Mick Cliff
James (hot66) has recent experience of building a timber garage and its' concrete base. I think he is on holiday at the present time and returns in a week or so. Maybe he will chip in then - or you could PM him. He's a LONG way from you though

Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2008 10:31 pm
by markh
I can vouch for doing the concrete yourself. This summer I built a base 14ft wide by 22ft long. All it took was a couple of weekends with some friends digging out the hole. I got the shuttering from Jewsons, laid all the hardcore, scalpings, sand, DPM etc and then had the concrete delivered to the hole by Mixmate. A mornings work getting the concrete flat and that was that!

Total cost was probably just shy of £1000 including tools I bought and get to keep. The shuttering went on to become a raised vegetable patch and what was left from that goes into the log store for winter.

The actual garage came from Warwick timber buildings and that got put up in 5 hours!

Feel free to PM me if you want any more information.

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 11:11 am
by 912uk
you can even get concrete brought in .. Saves you mixing it..
Do all the prep work and then give them a call.. find a small company and I am sure they will advise also about what to do.. you could have this done in 4 days like Mark says..

Also ask a local JCB guy to come and scrape the area. It would be done in 2 hrs!!! while you watch from the comfort of your lounge..

I recond like Mark says £1500 and your done.. tops!!

your saving a grand allday long here..

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 4:36 pm
by Disco
guys -

thanks for all your help, I'm gonna take your advice and rope in my 75 year old father to do the digging, I'll make the tea ( **joke**) !

I've done a bit of research on costs etc and other than the chiropractor bill afterwards I think I can get away with between 1000 and 1250.

appreciate the PMs etc which have been really helpful.


Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 6:38 pm
by 912uk
I am a nightmare at doing all my own stuff trouble is I have such a list of things to do.. but I save so much money doing it myself. This last couple of years I have realised that the odd bit of paid help really gets things done.. So for £100/150 cash for a day I am sure you could find a local gang member ( road crew ) to come and help then you know you will have it done.. just stop and ask one when you see them

Christmas is coming and abit extra on a Saturday or Sunday they will be round like a shot!!

I got one to dig out all the garden ( over grown ) on my renter house the skip cost less than him!! I did abit of digging, well I didn't want to get my designer wellies dirty do I .. :lol: :lol: