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Re: Feroz's Day Off…...

Posted: Wed May 16, 2018 10:56 pm
by Darren65
When your day starts off like this you know you're in for some fun! :P ......


....another fantastic drive out with Feroz and Rob this week and great to catch up with Nigel too whose new hobby has kept him off the grid of late :wink: ....

Image skies, green fields and orange cars.....


...and a Welsh drive wouldn't quite be the same without a trip to the Black Mountains....


....although quite busy with some slow moving traffic....


....kind of the boys to let me try their new cars, being on the top of a mountain certainly kept me focused!.....



....and as ever Feroz showed me how to really drive.....


....a great lunch at the Griffin followed by a couple of different roads....


....such a great looking car....


.....being used as it should be 8) .....


....and then came one of 'those' moments.....turning of the A483 near Beulah we headed north along the B4358 and had a clear run all the way up to the A470. What a road! 8)
I have to admit that being so well taken care of I'd been lazy and the TomTom, GoPro or big camera hadn't left my bag. Boy did I miss some footage!......the B4358 is like Eau Rouge on repeat as it twists and turns, rises and falls; a truly incredible stretch of tarmac!.....with no Sat Nav to offer guidance my choice was to either brave the blind crests or hang on to Feroz's GT3 coat tails as best I could and let him lead the way; I chose the latter, kept my right foot planted, gripped on for dear life and had one of the most thrilling roller coaster rides ever! :drunken:
We spun around at the top of the A470 and I quickly set up the Go Pro to capture the road on the way back although sadly it was now late afternoon and work traffic slowed our worry, the day had already been blessed with great company, beautiful weather and some wonderful driving 8)

Back in Brecon at our usual goodbye parking spot they're clearly not prepared for wide modern Porsche's! :wink: .....


Feroz, Rob, Nigel, thanks chaps.....another fantastic day in beautiful Wales :)


Re: Feroz's Day Off…...

Posted: Thu May 17, 2018 10:28 pm
by dragonfly
That looks a brilliant day out, thanks for sharing the photos.