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Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 10:34 pm
by sladey
Very 8) 8) 8)

Thanks for this - it's given me confidence in the decision

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 2:14 pm
by MdR
hot66 wrote:my old cabrio
That sounds strange after all this time.

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 8:19 pm
by sladey
Progress at last!!

Been down to the garage today and this is what greeted me!


Just to summarise they've removed fitted the new wings, slam panel & bonnet. They've removed front and rear screens and rear quarter windows.

Incidentally when removing the windscreen the glass cracked - it had apparently been bonded in all round and this was the only way they could get it out. Does anyone know of variations I need to be aware of when ordering a replacement? e.g. on the previous one I had a green strip at the top and an inbuilt radio aerial. I'd like to lose the green strip as I don't think the early cars had them - what were the early cars screens like, and is there any difference to the later cars - i.e. can I just order a screen for a 73 car and fit it using rubbers for an 87 car. Anyone's knowledge/tips in this area would be appreciated.

If you look at the photo, try comparing the wheel to bodywork gaps front and rear!!!! They did point out that they've removed the petrol tank though so that will have taken even more weight off the front.

Here's a pic with the bonnet down:_


Finally - Jean, I looked at the rear bumper today - all looks fine - here's a picture of it - I have a higher res one if you want it. Can't see any rust bubbles on it at all.


Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 8:22 pm
by hot66
you've got to paint the rest of teh car to match the bonnet 8) :)

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 8:24 pm
by sladey
Funny you should say that - I really liked the colour of that bonnet. However I just chatted to the wife and apparently I don't! Just shows how wrong you can be.

We both like silver. And being married.

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 8:47 pm
by sladey
Here's another one I took showing the bit of corrosion below the windscreen that they cut out


Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2005 9:17 pm
by Jean Berk
They're not hanging around, are they?! Excellent. You'll need the bumper off the car to check it properly for corrosion - it'll be along the lower surface; near the bellows; and inside around the screw holes for the lower valance. I still want to nick your engine lid grille, so bear me in mind if you find the one you need - I might take your front fog lamps too...

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2005 10:24 pm
by sladey
Yes they've got moving alright!

On the parts - no problem Jean - I'll be bringing it all along to Husborne. I'm happy to let you have first refusal but would be grateful if you could look early so if you don't want it I've a good chance of shifting it on the day.

I'll (they'll) have the numper off sometime next week so I'll bring it home then and post some more detailed pics

On the grill a chrome one is definately in my plans and if I get one at Husborne then no probs



Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2005 10:29 pm
by Jean Berk
Cool - Unfortunately, I can't make Husborne as I'll be in Japan - we'll see what you have left afterwards - I'll still be online anyway. :)

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2005 8:39 am
by sladey
OK well I'll do some detailed photos before then for you to make your decision



Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 10:17 pm
by sladey
Progress has slowed down a bit now they've started sorting out the various bits of corrosion.

Here's a repair made to the front screen corner. They've said they are going to lead-load this prior to priming etc


And here's what they've cut out near the rear window


Here the felt(?) pad inside was holding moisture against the metal.

They are doing a thorough job but I'm frustrated after the apparently quick progress of last week has now slowed a bit. Anyway I'll enjoy it more when it's done I suppose. Also they seem to be doing it all very thoroughly.

Will post again when more happens


Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 8:47 am
by impmad2000
It looks like they are making a thorough job of it . Looks good ! It make take time but will be worth it in the end.

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 8:53 am
by sladey
Thanks Tim - I think the same. I'm just getting a bit fed up driving a Nissan Micra every day.

I'll stop whingeing now.



Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 9:10 am
by impmad2000
.mmm Nissan Micra - Nice ...
Shocking, the rust in a later galvanised car ! Best not to look too closely at mine then !

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 9:23 am
by sladey
That's a good policy - if you don't look then can't be there.

My Grandad had the same attitude to hospital - he refused to go there even when ill because that's where sick people went so if he didn't get then he wasn't sick.

Used to think this was daft logic until all the MRSA stuff started to happen.

If you want to get really Zen about it it could be like the question about a tree falling down in the forest - if no-one is there does it actually make a sound.

So if you never look, then your car is not rusty.

That's the trouble with Zen - it's all bollox
