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Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2007 8:01 pm
by silver911
In the mean time Alan had a massive number of parts sent off for replating....
A 4 door 911?...I should be so lucky.

Looking almost better than new.

And getting ready to resassemble..

Pretty certain its going to feel like a new car....

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2007 8:15 pm
by silver911
Barry as ever was challenged by odd repairs..

Making a new 'pressed' panel to repair the battery box.

Once in place it looks genuine.

The right hand windscreen corner was attacked.

And soon looked as good as new...

On the left hand side a bespoke new panel replaced the rusted corner section.

Here again Barry's attention to detail is obvious.

And it saves having to cut out the whole panel and replace it with a new part.

But this all meant he needed to move to the rear of the car and tackle the other repairs..

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2007 8:26 pm
by silver911
OK, so onto the back end...

A quick warm up with some light welding...

Rear seat pan is dispatched quickly..


A bit of fine surface treatment...

This is a crucial part.. the contours here are the origin on the sensual curves over the rear no pressure to get it right...none at all.

But even then another front end job was found to delay the inevitable... :wink:

Remember the damage to the A pillar? It went thro just below the scuttle.

So a clean cut..

And a hand made new panel...

Get the job done impeccably..

Even so the rear parcel shelf beckoned.....

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2007 9:03 pm
by silver911
The damage to the rear parcel shelf was not pretty...not pretty at all.

And quite extensive...

After a lot of thought and discussion, as the rear parcel shelf is not available as a new or pattern part....Barry cut straight to the heart of the matter..


But there was method in this direct and drastic approach..

The really bad parts are quite simple to identify, recreate and then replace from a loose panel..

Replacement sections are created, thanks to Barry's panel making, not beating.. skills....

This process was repeated across the whole of the rear parcel shelf...

Until all the damaged areas had a new repair section. Top view.


The detail, as this car has built in shoulder fixings on the rear parcel shelf with reinforcement plates on the underside..

So the opening had to be exact...

So we could re-use the original fitting and plate..

The centre part will not leak in the future..

So we had a freshly repaired and solid rear parcel shelf...not only able to resist another few years of use, but strong enough to have modern interia reel rear seat belts fitted.. so the little one can enjoy the car...

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2007 10:15 pm
by Ferry Man
Wow. :shock:
Well done guys. Very nice work.
Those UK cars can suffer a bit with rust can't they? :(

Looks like you're going to end up with a very nice car there.

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 8:10 am
by silver911
Damn work.. been keeping me away from having time to keep this up to date....I think retirement is the best option....

Anyway... just to complete the bodywork side of things..

Barry's rear shelf patches and repair were fanastic and the rear shelf is now fully serviceable.

A new ' top cap' to the rear seat pans was created to keep everytihng clean and crisp.

And the entire rear area is better than new. It will be ready for the inertia reel seat belts to be installed and for my son to regain his favourite seat in the car.



On the outside the small perfroation just below the rear screen was repaired.

Yet again a small bespoke patch panel does the trick...

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 8:16 am
by silver911
The fitting up of the enitre body was the next task for Barry....

As ever the new front lid needed some corrective action to get it to align properly with the scuttle.

This is the second 'pattern' bonnet that Barry has dealt with recently that required a fair bit of work.. one is already painted black and this one will be silver....

New (to me) dddors are rehung..

The gaps look great... both sides due to restoration work.

Rear lid was good and as were the rear wings.

Once Barry was done, it was off to the balsters for a serious session.....

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 8:21 am
by silver911
Now the metal work was done its was Alan's turn to take on the bulk of the work...

The blasters certainlyhad a bit of a field day this time round..and it certainly looks as if they enjoyed themselves...thanks guys.

Talk about a naked car...

When I purchased this car 10 years ago, even though I knew it would need major work I don't think I envisaged quite this level of restoration... how naive was I? ( :shock: )

On its way to the painters...

It might have been signal yellow when it left the factory.. but its been silver since the late 70s and its gonig to continue being silver....I know, I know.. but the idea of having a car with more personality than me really isn't on. :wink:

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 8:49 am
by silver911
Its always nice to see what those bills are sctually paying for....

Boxes and boxes in Alan's garage certainly make it clear.

And assembling them is a sure step that we are nearing the final phase.

Four Fuchs (sake)

A beautiful piece of aluminium....I think this is part of the attraction of these cars...even parts that are hidden are so well beautiful as a result of their function.

And Alan is certainly able to do the honours..

All the parts are coming together. Plated, pinted and polished....
The wiper assembley is plated...but its not going back into the car.. one of Alan's test pices...but look out for the next generation, once dismantled he will get one fully plated and operational. :wink:

The obligatory polished fan image....
And noice the dedicated 'workshop cleanliness maintenance machine' lurking in the corner.....

We discover that the original engine shroud has been in the wars...
Alan, was it the oil pump that had been changed and needed the shroud to be cut?

Certainly done a while ago...prior to 1996, when the engine was rebuilt completely....and I don't recall getting it done...

A somewhat wet Saturday is enlivened by getting almost all the bits together....

From the front...

Notice the artist in the background...

Love a a good clean Fuchs...

Now we're talking...

Vroom Vroom....

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 9:03 am
by hot66
looks great :)

I suppose I shouldn't mention that signal yellow is one of my favorite colours on early 911's then ;) :lol:

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 9:14 am
by silver911
Of course you problem...

I'll just pretend I didn't hear you.. :wink:

Seriously tho I did think long and hard about the colour choice.. honest...

But I took refuge in my final choice that in other work I am involved in the issue of originality has been of prime importance.. and 'experts' opinions are varied. Is it more accurate to represent the 'factory' delivery scheme or the one most associated, either thro time, publicity, event etc with that particular item?

By and large the choice comes down to what best represents the majority of the item's life. In some cases the original spec is the 'best' in others its colours worn during certain events, not what it was when delivered.

So basing my choice on this philosophy silver represents the greater portion of this car's life and is therefore more 'accurate'...agreed it is not as delivered and as spec'd, but its representative of this car and its life and therefore acceptable.

The fact I want a silver early 911 has absolutely nothing to do with it at all....honest it doesn't....promise....Scout's Honour......


Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 9:14 am
by Ian Donkin
Wow - there's al awful lot of work and detailled attention gone into this one 8).

Bet you can hardly wait for the finished article to return - well done Alan and Barry too :P

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 9:23 am
by silver911
I'm actually more nervous than expected... it will be fanastic....I am looking forward to getting it back..I hope I'll be able to do it justice.. in keeping it to that standard.

Mind you the intention is to drive it like I stole it..

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2007 8:58 pm
by gav p
Looking fantastic 8) I saw the shell at Barrys a while back and it looked like things were shaping up very nicely!

Who restored the fuchs? They look great, I'd like mine to look like that...

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 9:24 pm
by silver911
Ok so its been a couple of fun months on this project....

First off after the blasting the paint shop crew spent a fair amount of time prep'ing the shell for sealing, painting and so forth..


with loads of lovely sealant.. here's looking at another 35 years of service...


Looks good...


Whilst this was going on and to be honest we were feeling good about this project.... :shock: Mike Bainbridge had a long hard look at the gear box.

I had had it shipped up to him after conversations with Alan had convinced me that a proper review was a wise was.

Mike was very clear and the message was simple.

The gearbox was knackered...


To my eyes this looked OK...

Until I saw this...


Which on closer inspection revealed the reality of my 'rebuilt' a decade ago gearbox....


Now when I bought hte car over ten years ago the PO had a documented rebuild of the gearbox in the file...which I took to be a good sign, it was as it gave me the best part of a decade of fun and games.

Mike's further examination revealed that even with a replacement crown wheel and pinion there were many parts within the gearbox that would need replacement. The centre bearing that was used in the rebuild was slightly the wrong size, a not uncommon occurance 10+ years ago. This had allowed movement of the shafts to occur, wearing all sorts of bits in the gearbox.

Mike's advice... get another one.. and so the hunt for a replacement the US.